A Hangout for Monkeys

A Hangout for Monkeys

Thursday, April 28, 2011

4. The Dropa Stones

The Dropa Stones challenge all conventional historical chronology.

In 1938, archeologists found the artifact in mountains of BayanKara-Ula – between the borders of China and Tibet.

Archeologists first discovered what they thought was a new kind of primate. They found skeletons, similar to ours, with overdeveloped craniums. While studying the skeletons, one of the team members found the baffling artifact that they thoughts was a Stone Age record. The message on the stone wouldn’t be cracked for another 20 years.

In 1965, more and more of the Dropa Stones were recovered from the same mountain range. Dr. Tsum Um Nui finally cracked the code - the Intel the stones contained was startling to say the least…

The stones told the story of the Dropas – an alien race from another planet. Their spaceship crashed in the mountains, and they were stuck on Earth, unable to construe another ship.

An ancient Han legend, tells about yellow-faced species with huge heads and puny bodies. The Hans hunted these entities because they were so ugly and thought to be evil. The legend says they came from the clouds.

For more information visit:


Monday, April 25, 2011

The Mysterious Mr. Gorsky

On July 20, 1969, commander of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. His first words after stepping on the moon, "That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", were televised to Earth and heard by millions. But just before he re-entered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark:

"Good luck, Mr. Gorsky." Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs. Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the "Good luck Mr. Gorsky" statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled. On July 5, 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida, while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26 year old question to Armstrong. This time he finally responded. Mr. Gorsky had died and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question.

In 1938 when he was a kid in a small Midwest town, he was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hit a fly ball, which landed in his neighbor’s yard by the bedroom windows. His neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky.

As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. "Oral sex! You want oral sex?! You’ll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!"

5. Ancient Batteries

How intelligent was Mesopotamian culture? For the newbs, Mesopotamia was allegedly one of the first monkey congregations. In 1936, workers discovered the artifacts in an ancient town near Baghdad, while excavating deep in ruins.

The anatomy of the battery is astonishing. It’s so simple, yet genius for primates of this time.

The battery goes against every teaching of how societies massed in ancient times. We can only speculate that our history is incomplete…

For a more detailed read:


5 Most Bamboozling Artifacts!


It is not by random chance or mere curiosity that you’ve “stumbleuponed” this site – no my fellow primate, it is your destiny. You, in fact, are going through a life quest where you’re questioning everything you’ve been told about our origin. It is a scary quest, but also beautiful in an unexplainable way.

This week is dedicated to thinking…

Everyday this week an artifact and summary will be posted – these artifacts go against everything you've been told.



Sunday, April 17, 2011

The First "Known" Man

Meet Toumai…

Toumai (means "hope of life") is the oldest hominid acquired. In 2001, Ahounta Djimdoumalbay found a hominid skeleton while digging in Chad in 2001. The skull dates back 6-7 million years ago.

We know this is a hominid because of the skull's eye level - the eye level of Toumai looks straight which is the epitome of ours. The eye level of a primate is angled down, and that's how it sees when walking on all fours.


Friday, April 8, 2011


- A hangout for monkeys -

All new life from the ocean depths! We have now discovered a whole new ecosystem that doesn't depend on the sun's energy, but the earth's energy. Forget everything you learned in Biology, forget everything you've learned in religion. Science takes us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of our origin.

Dr. Robert Ballard, the founder of the Titanic, found magna chambers on the ocean depths, spewing nutrients into the dark, ocean floors. This is surely one of the greatest discoveries of all time. Are these magna chambers where life originated? This new life lines up with fossil records from the Cambrian Explosion - the period when life spawned. This new ecosystem uses chemosynthesis and does not depend on energy from the sun (photosynthesis). Also, Dr. Robert Ballard found these giant tube-worms full of human-like blood!

The more we learn about life and our origin, the more questions arise. Keep searching for the ultimate answer, and hopefully we will learn the truth soon.

Below is a video by the legendary scientist Bill Nye The Science Guy.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

From The Big Bang to Now!

13.7 billion years ago an enormous explosion ignited. Following this explosion was the origin of time (at least time relating to the universe). Due to the abundance of energy created in the explosion, space resisted gravity and grew to an enormous size. This continuous expansion of our universe is called inflation.

As the universe expanded, it cooled. During the cooling process, the basic elements of matter were created from the powerful energy. Quarks (particles carrying a fractional electric charge) were the first particles created. Quarks merged in groups of three inside a proton or neutron.

Since neutrons can only exist for approximately twenty minutes on their own, neutrons either died off or fused with a proton to form a type of hydrogen or two protons fused with two neutrons to form the nucleus of helium. Electrons were the final particles created from the abundance of energy. The temperatures of the universe were so extreme that electrons couldn’t combine with other particles.

The early universe was nothing more than plasma (ionized gas). This lasted approximately 300 million years as the universe expanded and cooled. Finally, the universe was cool enough for electrons to be captured by hydrogen and helium nuclei. At this time, the first atoms were formed.

The universe was full of clouds with hydrogen and helium gas. A light was then released, that is still visible today. It is called the cosmic microwave background.

Inflation caused the first ripples in the density of matter. Over 10 million years, matter gathered at these denser locations. Over 100 million years, the center of each cloud evolved into a hyper-giant/star. In time, the cores of these hyper-giants/stars became dense enough for nuclear fusion. Because of these hyper-giant/stars sizes, the hyper-giants/stars converted hydrogen and helium fuel into the first elements of the universe. All the elements of the atom, heavier than helium, were created inside the core of hyper-giants/stars.

After 3 million years, these hyper-giants/stars collapsed and exploded into supernovas. The stars spewed all the heavy elements into the universe. Gravity condensed these new elements into a new generation of stars (smaller in size).

It took approximately 5 million years for gravity to force a reaction from these elements. Millions of new stars were created from these new clouds consisting of heavier elements. Gravity pulled these stars together, and the collaboration of the stars formed larger and larger groups of stars. This is where all the spiral galaxies were created. These galaxies today are still growing as they consume thousands and millions of neighboring clusters and stars.

Stars nearing their demise can collapse under gravity and turn into black holes. A black hole consumes everything that enters its event horizon (point of no return). Millions of black holes are in the Milky Way Galaxy, but the largest one is the one in the center.

Galaxies formed together to form clusters and super clusters. The Milky Way is a member of a group of 20 or so galaxies and star clusters that make up our local group. The largest galaxy in our group is Andromeda. Super clusters may contain thousands of galaxies, and the closest super cluster is the Virgo Super Cluster to which we’re being gravitationally drawn.

About 4.6 billion years ago our solar system started to form. The sun was hot enough to light its own nuclear fires, and our sun and planets condensed under the heavy pressure of gravity. Our inner planets are small and rocky, containing heavier elements while the outer planets are large and gas giants. Our sun is just an average sized star compared to the 100s of billions of stars in our known universe.

Earth was created approximately 4.5 billion years ago. At first, there was no oxygen in the air. The rain washed certain chemicals from the air, and lightning and ultraviolet radiation fused with these chemicals, forming a very special molecule - a molecule could make copies of itself. This very special molecule was the origin of life on earth, and when this molecule learned to protect itself inside cell walls, life began.

3.5 billion years ago cells learned how to use the suns energy in a process called photosynthesis and due to recent studies also chemosynthesis. Life then grew, and layers of microorganisms mixed with sediments became the world’s first living structures, “stromatolites”. These mounds exported oxygen, and these new gases created the ozone layer.

1.5 billion years ago a cell developed an extra membrane to protect its genes, a nucleus. 800 million years ago the first multicellular organisms appeared. The first multicellular organisms were sponges, and their cells filtered out water and consumed tiny bits of food. Later they evolved into having muscle cells and nerve cells, which enabled bending and stretching, but still they were immobile.

600 million years ago there was an ancient worm, which developed the first centralized nervous system. A congregation of these cells formed the first brain, and light-sensitive cells for formed the first eyes.

30 million years later a huge variety of creatures appeared - this time is called the Cambrian Explosion. Everything alive today originated from the Cambrian Period. The first fish appeared over 500 million years ago – that is where spines and jaws with teeth originated.

400 million years ago the lands of earth was a grass terrain. Plants spread onto land along with fresh water. Animals followed – the earliest being centipedes, scorpions and crabs. These first insects developed the first lungs. Invertebrates were the first ashore, but the vertebrates quickly followed. Vertebrates developed fin like legs.

370 million years ago amphibians emerged from the swamps. Reptiles evolved from amphibians, and they developed the first waterproof eggs. The inside of the eggs were similar to oceanic climates. Reptiles have to expand their lungs to breathe, and due to this, crocodiles became the first creatures to stand on their legs so they could walk and breathe comfortably.

Approximately 200 million years ago, earth was one giant continent called Pangaea. Most the terrain was deserts and grasslands. For more than 160 million years, the dinosaurs ruled the Earth. For the first time, reptiles became mammal-like, developing hair and pairing with one mate for life. The dinosaurs laid eggs, but would nurture their young with special milk glands from their stomach. During the Jurrassic Era, life was still plentiful in the oceans. More and more new species were evolving.

Approximately 125 million years ago, slow movement broke up the northern and southern landmasses – the waters rose, and new coastlines and seaways were construed. Now flying creatures called Pterosaurs evolved and dominated these new cliffs and lands.

Approximately 65 million years ago, a meteor ten miles wide in size, eradicated the dinosaurs reign when crashing in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Catastrophic weather followed that bested 65% of all life.

Millions of years after the meteor crash, the dinosaurs were all dead. This period is called the Eocene. Temperatures have risen, and tropical rainforests have spawned on every continent. Now the rulers of Earth are descendants of the dinosaurs, the birds. This was a perfect time for the mammal takeover. The biggest strength of mammals is the ability to adapt (survival of the fittest).

Approximately 6-7 million years ago was our first ancestor that differs from all other living creatures. The oldest archaeological finding for our origin is Tumai. Its skull dates back 6-7 million years ago.

Homo Sapiens descended from one common ancestor, Mitochondrial Eve. She lived approximately 150 thousand years ago in East Africa. Everyone on earth is related to her.

Approximately 150 million years ago a woman from East Africa lived. She was a hunter gatherer, but wasn't the first. She is special because every homo sapien is a direct descendent of her. Her name is Mitochondrial Eve - the mother of man.

This essay is a brief summary of our origin. Watch the video below for a detailed, visual retelling of the origin of life and the universe…


What We Are

We are not the center of the universe, not even close. We're not special entities. We are monkeys - monkeys that scratch our butts and throw our poo.

Enjoy this video...


The Monkey Bars welcomes all new monkeys!